Rainy days : 5 new things to do for families

Rainy days : 5 new things to do for families

Rainy days : 5 new things to do with children

Another weekend where it is pouring down with rain and your plans for a family day out are not going to happen. After a few episodes from their favourite show,  the kids start to get bored or screened out. Some days they play so well together but, somehow, you have a feeling today is not one of those days. They (and everyone, let’s be honest here) starts to get cranky as the family gets cabin fever. So you decide to get involved and try out a new activity. And guess what, it is fun for everyone and the hours fly by. 

If this sounds familiar (except the last bit) then here are our favourite top 5 original things we suggest trying on the next rainy day as a family. Kids will love them.

 1. Baking something new
Nothing like everyone making something delicious together to eat for tea-time treat. Find a wacky new recipe that will appeal, check you have all the ingredients and give it a try. One of our favourites is the apple crumple with its original seed crust from the great children book Cooking Step by step or the animal pancakes from this amazing YouTube video from the team at Tasty  :

2. Going camping … inside.
You will be surprised how fun that one is. For one of the first lockdown holiday's we "went" on a great home african safari with one of the highlights being camping in the living room. This means we got to really try all the fun things that go with it : picnics, reading stories with a torch light and learning about African animals and culture. But the most fun of all was spending the night in sleeping bags in a tent (in the middle of our living room !). Our children loved it as it was exciting and reassuring in equal measures. A great rehearsal for the real thing. 

Camping indoor on rainy day

3. Making your own home show
You have very likely seen your kids perform an impromptu cute show. How about taking it up a level. You can make it a fun activity where you get them to think of a story, storyboard it (or write dialogue depending on age), help build fun props and film the whole thing. You can show them how to edit the video if you want too. Puppets or shadow puppets are always a great alternative too for the more craft minded folks. A great memory to treasure further down the line.

Children puppet show on rainy day

4. Family treasure hunt
So you are stuck inside and everyone is bored. Isn't this the perfect opportunity to turn this on its head : create a fun family treasure hunt. Hide a few clues that take the children to the ultimate treasure. Or if you're out of ideas, have a look at children specific escape games as a great way to spend a quality hour together. Set-up, atmosphere and story is all created already so it is super easy to get going instantly. Check out our Case of Auntie’s Manor as an example and let us know how you go. This will guarantee an adventure to remember.

Home escape game on rainy day

5. Learn some magic
Finally, give yourself a challenge. Can you learn in the next hour a few magic tricks each and get back together again for a fun family show. The most impressive magician wins obviously. You will be surprised at how great magic is at boosting confidence and concentration for the little ones whilst engaging the older kids. Check out our magic adventure pack that has everything to learn 7 easy tricks and perform the show. Just download, print and let the magic begin.

Home magic on rainy days

We hope some of these favourite things will bring you memorable family moments. Just don’t let the weather get in your way of having a fab time. 

Let us know how you like to spend time on a rainy day as a family. Any items on our list would feature on your list ? Which ones not on the list would top your list ?

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